Sunday, 21 September 2014

Reflection on different blogging tools

I looked at audio tools first, the website was podomatic, it will be what I will come to use in the future when working on podcasts it seemed very easy to use. I then looked at video tools,  we video  is something that I may use . I looked at organisation tools  the  one website that seemed most straight forward was remember the milk  an organisation app that you can access on iPads and iPhones. I looked at different photo storage  tools, ways in which I could put all images I need in one place. Photobucket was the one that stood out to me, it  was very modern. I also looked at sharing tools. All of these websites were quite complex and didn't give much information on how to use them, however if I was to use this I would use slideshare because it seemed the most easy to use. There were lots of mind mapping/brainstorming tools that I found  were really unique. Tagxedo and worlde, also bubbl.. All three of these websites included lots of interesting ways to mind map my ideas . There was also a very helpful image editing website pic monkey and lots of presentation tools that I will definately use. Prezi, animoto, glogster, zoo burst. There were however some websites that didn't give enough information or seem very useful, such as tube chop a video tool, screencast a filming tool, Diigo a presentation tool.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

School magazine front cover analysis

This is a picture of a school magazine front cover analysis. I have labeled certain  aspects in order to analyse and describe the effect of certain things being done. I have also coloured certain  words with the key in this picture to point out which is denotations, connotations, key words and audience.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Sunday, 14 September 2014

GQ front cover magazine analysis

This is a picture of a short assesment in lesson. We were asked to pick a magazine cover of our choice and label the different sections of the front cover.

Mind map - 5 key media concepts

This is a mind map showing a collection of the 5 key media concepts. Genre, Media language, Media representation, Media institutions, and Media audiences. It contains a description and essential details about each concept, this will be used as a revision tool.