Monday, 10 November 2014

Self Asses Textual Analysis

Music magazine front cover analysis.

Evaluation of my magazine front cover

Question 1: in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (what have you included that we would expect to see on a magazine front cover)
My magazine follows conventions of a real magazine it includes features such as a masthead, a main image, coverlines. These are the type of finds you would find on every normal magazine. My main image reinforces the conventions of a school magazine the students represent the school, and as I have taken the picture for my main image as a long shot you are able to see part of the building at the front of plantsbrook school. The students are also wearing uniform which reinforces conventions of a school magazine. My masthead features the plantsbrook logo, I tried to be quite creative with my masthead and I wanted to feature the plantsbrook logo somewhere in order to again reinforce conventions of a school magazine. The cover lines follow the context of a school magazine and the font used throughout my front cover represents the genre of this magazine. I have tired to use either old school or capital font as it looks very 'high school'. The 'free stationary coupons' also links well with the conventions of a school magazine students would be able to understand from my magazine cover the type of magazine that this is and who it is aiming to appeal to.

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4: How did you attract/address your audience? (What have you done that would make school students buy your magazine?)

School students will be encouraged to buy my magazine firstly because the masthead is closely linked to the school I have used the schools logo and the schools name in my masthead. This attracts students because they will recognise this and feel more familiar with what the content of the magazine may be. I have then also used a main image to give an impression of what the school is like. The students are quite calm and relaxed and as it says as part of my coverlines 'how to relieve exam stress' students will be encouraged to read my magazine when they see that there is possibly some way or advice of tackling this.. The main image will appeal to parents as the students in the main image are in uniform. The cover lines are very relatable they are not just focused over one age group I have widely spread the coverlines so that I am reaching out to different age groups e.g. a level students, and people interested in taking part in any extra curricular activities. There is also free stationary coupons in my magazine which instantly grabs peoples attention, I have tried to use bold lettering with an old school font for this in order make it stand out even more. I have also tried to stick to very professional and sophisticated features throughout in order to appeal to all target markets.

My magazine front cover

Audience feedback

These are 2 videos of audience feedback. Each person has answered the following questions:
1. what do you like about my magaizne?
2. how could i improve my magazine so that it looks more professional?
3. which part of my magazine do you like the most? And why?
4. if my magazine was on sale would you buy it?
5. how effective do you think the main image and masthead of my magazine are?

Friday, 7 November 2014

Blog feedback and Pupil comment.

Generic conventions between the mastheads on my previous blog post.

This blog entry is to point out the generic conventions between the mastheads on my previous blog post. 

  • All of these mastheads are in a bubble writing font. This kind of font is quite childlike suggesting that this genre of music is aimed towards the younger generation. 
  • All of these mastheads feature similar colours of black and white. And these colours are either used to outline or the letters are filled.
  • All of the mastheads appear quite futuristic and modern-this links with the genre of the magazine because house/dance music is more of a modern genre. 
  • The letter of each masthead are close together-all joined up. 
  • The masthead 'Core' is used to suggest that music is at the core and possibly the magazine core is the core to finding good music or hearing about the latest music. 
  • The masthead 'Mixmag' is a good name for a house/dance magazine. A lot of house music features remixes/mixes so this links well with the genre. The audience of this genre will then be able to recognize its genre more easily.
  • The masthead 'maxumi' looks very futuristic and bold. The name is very unique and attracts people this way. Because it is something different this almost represents house/dance/ music which is quite different and unique.

Different existing house/dance music magazine mastheads.

The magazine genre i would like to produce is a house/dance music magazine. I would like to produce a magazine connected to this genre because it is the genre that i like and what i am most common with.
These are three mastheads to 3 different existing house/dance music magazines. Core, Maxumi and Mixmag.